Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I got a teaching contract....

I had TWO interviews in one week! One was for the previously mentioned position at Helena Christian School for a third grade position. The other was for a half time preschool position at First Lutheran School. I accepted the position at First Lutheran School and will get to teach 2 of my own children. I have been trying to get my classroom setup and am almost there. I will post pictures later. I am also trying to come up with the curriculum since there isn't any for either the 3 year olds or the 4 year olds. I am looking forward to starting my new adventure soon!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Job Interview Take 2

I had a job interview on June for Helena Public Schools. I ended up not getting a job due to the fact that I am a new grad and have no experience. My kids attend preschool at Helena Christian School so I applied there for a teaching position. I got a call today and have an interview tomorrow night! So excited and nervous at the same time!!! I am praying that this is where God has wanted me all along.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pinterest Obsessed!

So, I just graduated (finally) from school with my BS in Elementary Education. I had an interview with our school district but it came down to them hiring someone with 7+ years experience. I have been collecting ideas for my first classroom and Pinterest has been a great place to store all my ideas in one place. I have found so many great teaching blogs with ideas galore out there. Here is a link to my Pinterest site: http://pinterest.com/steveandrisa/.